
Commercial real estate

With K.A.R.L. © you can analyse the risks of natural hazards for your commercial property at the exact location. In addition to entering the address (or coordinates), you need to select the type of property (e.g. office building, specialist store, hotel, etc.). As a result, you will receive an easy-to-read short report (One Pager) as well as a long report with a detailed description of the risk situation of your property (approx. 30-35 pages). The reports are sent to you by e-mail.

Service provided:

  • PDF reports
  • One Pager (short overview) and
  • ProReport (detailed description approx. 30-35 pages)
Download Pro-Report Demo

Private real estate

You can also use K.A.R.L.® to analyse the risks posed by natural hazards for your private properties at the precise location. The K.A.R.L.® analyses for private properties are only suitable for private properties due to the specific vulnerability curves. You can choose to receive the analysis results in the form of an easy-to-read short report (One Pager) or a detailed long report (recommended).

Service provided:

  • PDF reports
  • One Pager (short overview) or/and
  • ProReport (detailed description approx. 30-35 pages)
Download OnePager Demo